Tag Archives: DF-3

Dust feeder Model DF

Dust Feeder DF-3,This small dust generator is characterized by a turntable system. The dust is provided by a hopper, so handling is easy. This is suitable as a dust generator for safety tests of pharmaceuticals (animal inhalation tests) and for dusty environment testing instruments.

● It is capable of long-term aerosol generation.

● The amount generated can be changed by the digital settings.

● The concentration can be controlled by linking it with a digital dust indicator and control unit.

■ Applications

1. Dusty environment tests (exposure tests)

2. Testing the properties and performance of dust related devices

3. Testing the maintenance and performance of dust preventing masks (respiration protectors)

4. Standard particle tests and research

5. Animal testing (dust inhalation tests),

Item Code 080180-3
Model DF-3
Up to 99 hours, freely configurable
Amount Generated
max. 1g/min(Turn Ring TA-31)
Aerosol Flow Rate
Hopper Capacity
Approx. 600mL
Occurrence Time
8 hours continuously (volume generated: 0.5 g/min)
Primary Side Air
Pressure of 0.2 MPa or higher; Flowrate: 40 L/min Compressor (optional)
Calculation Formula for Generated Concentration
Dust generation concentration calculation formula by dust feeder.
Generation concentration (g / m3) =Generation amount per minute (cm3 / min) x Powder bulk density ρB (g / cm3) x Generation efficiency k x Generation flow rate (min / m) 3)
Example) Dust concentration when using the dust feeder DF-3 type TA-32 (k = 0.3) Minimum 0.1 (cm3 / min) x 0.2 (g / cm3) x 0.3 (1000/400) (min / m3) = 0.015g / m3
Maximum 1.0 (cm3 / min) x 0.2 (g / cm3) x 0.3 (1000/400) (min / m3) = 0.15g / m3
* 1 A generation efficiency of 0.3 means that 70% of the supplied dust will be lost in piping, etc., and 30% will reach the test system.The actual generation efficiency depends on what kind of test system is built.
* 2 The powder bulk density varies depending on the powder used.
Power Supply
AC100V 50/60Hz 2A
520(W)x320(D)x460(H)mm 28kg
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